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Since 2020 Dinasira Sembada has been verified for HIGG FEM, to be able to measure our environmental performance and have continuous improvement in sustainability, such as energy use, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, water use, wastewater, air emissions,waste and chemicals management.
Since 2020 Dinasira Sembada has been verified for HIGG FSLM, to be able to measure and have continuous improvement on social impact and social labor practices across areas such as wages, working hours, health and safety, and employee treatment.
Nike Adidas New Balance Under Amour
Nike Adidas New Balance Under Amour
Disney Toshiba Meizu Flextronix
Disney Toshiba Meizu Flextronix
Sharp Asus Huawei
Sharp Asus Huawei
Selected Customers
Dyeing Facility
Our Customers
2 Mexico
3 Brazil
4 Netherlands
5 India
6 Myanmar
7 China
8 Taiwan
9 Hong Kong
10 South Korea
11 Japan
12 Vietnam
13 Indonesia
Environmental Sustainability